Prescription Refills, Referrals, Forms, and Lab Testing:

Healthlink Family Practice and Sports Medicine Inc. makes every effort to assist in patients getting their prescriptions refilled as quickly as possible.  Our office policy is as follows:

*  In order to avoid prescriptions from running out, please contact the office no later than two days prior to the end of the prescription to give us ample time to print out the necessary prescription or send the prescription to your pharmacy.

*  If you have an ongoing prescription that requires an office visit before it can be refilled, please contact the office no less than thirty days prior to the end of the prescription to ensure an appointment can be scheduled within an adequate time frame.

*  Narcotic prescriptions and other controlled substances will not be refilled until you are seen by Dr. Linker as directed.  Please call no less than five days prior to your prescription running out to schedule your appointment.  

Some insurance companies have strict rules regarding referrals to other physicians that are beyond our control.  Therefore, Healthlink Family Practice and Sports Medicine, Inc. requires patients to advise the office no less than ten days prior to a referral being needed to ensure an adequate time frame to obtain the necessary referral needed for your scheduled appointment. 

From time to time, patients will have forms that need to be completed for various reasons (FMLA, school forms, nursing home forms, disability forms, daycare forms, etc).  We require a minimum of 48 hours to complete these forms and will call you when they are ready to be picked up.  There will be a $25 charge assessed for completion of the form. 


After Hours Physician Coverage:


Dr. Linker participates in a physician on-call group which provides physician coverage during weekends, holidays, and after normal office hours.  If you are in need of urgent physician advice during any of these times, please call (513) 701-5510 and follow the instructions. 


Patient Information:

It is the responsibility of the patient to advise the office of any changes in address, phone numbers, names, insurance coverage, and emergency contacts at the time the change becomes effective.  This ensures our records are kept accurate and patients can be contacted appropriately.


Insurance, Co-payments and Statements:

Patients are expected to provide their insurance card(s) and pay their co-payments prior to being seen at each scheduled appointment.  Failure to produce your current insurance card or failing to pay your co-pay at the time of service may result in your appointment needing to be rescheduled. 


Record Transfers:

A fee will be assessed for all requests to transfer patients' medical records to another physician's office.  The processing fee is $25 for the first 50 pages and $.25 per page after 50 pages.